Monday, 15 December 2014


Mangosteen has been a part of the traditional medicine of various Asian countries for a very long time, and was once brought all the way around the world so that it could be sampled by Queen Victoria. The health benefits of mangosteen are known since 18th century and it has been proven that these benefits are not just mythical. It is a storehouse of essential nutrients which are required for normal growth, development and overall nutritional well being. Different parts of the fruit and plant are used in the treatment of various diseases and disorders. Here are some of the mangosteen fruit health benefits.

1. Antioxidants:

Scientific Research has revealed that Mangosteen contains a class of naturally occurring polyphenol compounds known as xanthones. There are two types of xanthones in this fruit – alpha mangosteen and gamma mangosteen. Xanthones and their derivatives have been shown to have several benefits, including anti-inflammatory.  Xanthones are an effective remedy against various cardiovascular diseases. These antioxidants have healing properties which heal cells damaged by free radicals, slow down aging and ward off degenerative diseases and physical and mental deterioration.

2. Low Calories:

This fruit is very low in calories (63 calories per 100 g) and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Nonetheless, it is rich in dietary fiber (100 g provides about 13% of RDA), which can be very important for individuals who are concerned about putting on excess body weight.

3. Vitamin C:

Mangosteens are rich in vitamin C and contains about 12% RDA per 100g. Being a powerful water soluble anti oxidant, vitamin C provides resistance against flu like infectious agents and scavenge harmful pro-inflammatory free radicals. Therefore consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C is vital for developing resistance against diseases. Folate plays an important role in foetal development and evolution of new cells in the body. This particular vitamin is vital during pregnancy and protects neutral tube effects.

4. Bloodflow:

Mangosteen aids in promoting red blood cells and prevents against anaemia. It improves the blood flow by causing dilation of blood vessels which helps to protect us against certain diseases like atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, heart congestion and severe chest pains.

By increasing the amount of blood flow to the eye, Vitamin C in mangosteen is effective against cataracts.1000mg Vitamin C per day is said to be effective in curbing cataracts and improving vision.

5. Reduces Cholesterol:

Diet rich in mangosteen is helpful in reducing the level of cholesterol in human body. It also helps to control the level of triglycerides to take care of proper working of human heart.

6. Tuberculosis:

Mangosteen fruit contains strong antibacterial and antifungal properties besides being highly effective in boosting weak immune systems. Its inhibitory action against harmful bacteria is effective for patients suffering from tuberculosis.

7. Cancer:

The antioxidants found in mangosteen help to prevent cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. It is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects our body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, or” cellular rust” that can lead to host of severe medical conditions.

8. Blood Pressure:

Mangosteen also contains high amounts of of minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium provides protection against strokes and coronary heart diseases as it is an important component of cell and body fluids and controls heart rate and blood pressure.

9. Anti-inflammatory:

Mangosteen contains anti-inflammatory properties which is highly beneficial for people who suffer from sciatica pains which cannot be controlled by drug treatment. Consuming mangosteen two to three times a day will help to relieve pain through its anti-inflammatory and cox-2 inhibitor effects.

10. Alzheimer’s:

One of the major health benefits of mangosteen is its effectiveness in treating Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is accompanied by symptoms like confusion and perplexity and difficulty in remembering things.

Not just mangosteen fruit, Mangosteen rinds and other parts also contain many health benefits.

While the dried powder of mangosteen rind is used in the treatment of dysentery, its paste can be used to treat eczema and some other skin disorders.A decoction made of mangosteen rind can be used to treat diarrhoea, whereas a decoction made of mangosteen roots is used for regulating menstruation.A decoction made of mangosteen leaves and bark, is beneficial in bringing down body temperature and also to treat thrush and urinary disorders.

Benefits of Mangosteen for Skin:

11. Acne:

Mangosteen has natural antibacterial properties and antimicrobial compounds, which are highly effective in treating many common skin problems. Acne, skin blemishes, oily skin and dry skin can be cured by the consumption of mangosteen.

12. Repairs cells:

Xanthone compounds present in this fruit’s skin are the highest when compared to other fruits. These can cure skin diseases, repair the damaged cells in your body and protect them.

13. Body weight:

Intake of mangosteen is a widely used orthodox method for losing weight. Mangosteen helps in the prevention of weight gain, by burning down fat. Xanthones included in the mangosteen peel help to aid weight loss.

14. Gum disease:

Mangosteen acts as a weapon to fight against the gum disease known as periodontitis. The gel of mangosteen helps to cure gum problems.

15. Menstruation:

Mangosteen can be very useful in reducing premenstrual symptoms like dizziness, mood swings, hypertension, etc. In Malaysia, a mangosteen root decoction is consumed to regulate menstruation.

16. Stomach disorders:

In the state of Philippines, the mangosteen is widely cultivated. They use its leaves and barks for treating diarrhea, dysentery, treat thrush and urinary disorders.

17. Anti – Ageing:

Aging comes about due to oxidation. Mangosteen is filled with antioxidants such as catechin (the antioxidant found in green tea). This helps in fighting free radicals. Hence, start consuming mangosteen to look younger forever.

18. Boosts your energy:

This fruit can help you feel refreshed and energized all day long. Its nutrients will help you look more refreshed and youthful. It provides a boost of energy.

19. Viral infections:

Xanthones present in mangosteen have the natural ability to attack fungal and viral infections. They even help to get rid of certain carcinogens from attacking your skin.

Some important tips for you:

Juice made out of the mangosteen peel can make your skin feel tighter.Pregnant women should avoid consuming this, since it can be harmful to the fetus.Wash the mangosteen fruit thoroughly under running water and wipe it with a soft towel to clean it.Mangosteens are available fresh during the summer months.Injury to the fruit can make the whole fruit bitter and inedible.Always buy fresh fruits that feel heavy and have a bright purple colored skin. Dry and blotched skin indicates an old stock.Ripe fruits should be placed in a cool and dry place. They can even be stored in the refrigerator.

Longer exposure to warm conditions can cause the skin of the fruit to become dry and hard.

Mangosteen Nutritional Value:

Mangosteen fruit is beneficial because of its high nutritional value. Besides having a delicious taste, it is a rich source of fibres and carbohydrates. It also has high contents of vitamin A and vitamin C as well as iron, calcium and potassium. This fruit is a moderate source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folates. These vitamins act as cofactors which help the body to metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Most importantly mangosteen fruit is a great source of xanthones. A one-cup serving of canned mangosteen has 143 calories.

Friday, 5 December 2014

A mail from a dear friend

Dear loved one,

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Your Health: • Drink plenty of water every day to detoxify your body. • Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar so you can be here for long. • Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less of manufactured in plants. •
Live with the 3 E's - You must keep your Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy. •
Make time to pray, you need divine strength everyday of your life. • Play games to challenge your brain and keep it young all the time. • Read more books to keep pace with your personal development drive. • Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day for deep, reflective and focused thinking. • Sleep for at least 6 hours daily so you can keep your energy level at pace. • Take a 30-45 minutes’ walk daily. And while you walk, wear a smile to relax.

Your Personality: • Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea of what their purpose is. • Don't develop negative thoughts on things you cannot control e.g. the weather elements. Rather invest your energy in things that are within your reach e.g your attitude, moods, etc • Don't live overboard. Live within your strength; develop your capacity to overshadow your limitations. • Don't take yourself so seriously. Relax! Deadlines are set by people but achieve your goals. • Don't waste your precious energy on gossip or backbiting so you won’t be laid back.. • Dream more while you are awake and put your thoughts in concrete plans with actions. • Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. The grass is not greener on the other side. You are gifted for your assignment. • Forget issues of the past. Don't remind people about the mistakes of their past that will ruin their present happiness. The past is always what it is – the past! • Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others. Live in forgiveness. You owe everyone your love and forgiveness because you are not perfect. • Make peace with your past so it won't always show up in your present. Don’t cover it any further; confront it to enjoy true freedom; no one is in charge of your happiness except YOU! • Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appears and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. Laugh at your mistakes and refuel to face your future. • You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. Life is about win-win experiences.

Your Relationships: • Call your family often. You don’t have a space that can’t be occupied by your loved ones! • Each day give something good to others. Make people around you feel great about their lives. • Forgive everyone for everything even when they are unlovable and unforgiveable in your own estimations. Opinions are cheap but convictions are rare. • Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6 years so you can understand the dynamics of life. • Try to make at least three people smile each day. • Your job/business won't take care of you when you are down. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

Your Life: • Always desire to do the right thing, without any compromise! • Get rid of anything that isn't useful in your life; don’t waste your time and opportunities. • GOD can heal everything, especially the so called hopeless situations of our lives. • However good or bad a situation is; it will come to pass. It has definitely not come to stay. • No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. Consistency is the rule of life. • The best is yet to come. Always develop a good expectation of a favorable outcome. • When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD because Life itself is a gift! Be joyful!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Becoming perfect

Heb 5:7-8
7 In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. 8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.
I once put up a post about how Jesus yielded Himself to the will of the Father, even when it was the most difficult thing to do at the time. He had pleaded that the cup be taken away, but eventually resigned to asking that the Father's will be done since it  was obviously his destiny to suffer death.
I came across this scripture in Hebrews today, explaining what really happened that night at the garden when Jesus was praying and my eyes became heavy.
First, it gives a picture of how Jesus (Son of the living God) prayed; with loud cries and tears and deep supplications and can u imagine that the bible says God heard Him? That's what blew my mind. If God heard Him, how come He still had to die?
It's the same way we feel sometimes.
If God heard me, how come my loved one still died?
If God heard me, how come I still lost the job?
If God heard me, how come I still didn't get the admission,  job or contract?
If God heard me, how come we didn't get married?
If God heard me, how come I'm not yet pregnant?
But God is a Spirit, not a man. That He hears us doesn't mean He answers the way we expect all the time. The Father heard Jesus and all He did was send an angel to comfort Him. Not take the pain away, but to comfort Him in the face of pain and death.
Sometimes, that's what God does for us. He just let's us go through the fire anyway and in the end, just like Jesus, we have one sure souvenir. We would have learned obedience and become perfect (Heb 2:10) through what we suffer.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Refuse to worry

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me: John14:1. Why worry about  your future when God who holds your future in his hands says don't. Worry is interest paid in advance on a loan you have not taken. I realized over time that most of d things i worried about never happened... Needless pains. Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives u something to do, but won't get u anywhere. Someone said and I quote 'Blessed is d man who is too busy to worry in d daytime, and too sleepy to worry at night'. Proverbs 12:25 says 'Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up'. The greatest mistake u can make in life is to continually fear u will make one. Worry, doubt, fear and despair are d enemies of progress, therefore i have learned to live each day as it comes. Worrying is a time waster and wasting time is wasting life. Live your life to the best of your potential; be the King's best because you're the only one of you that God has; don't live your life trying to prove yourself to someone else; prove yourself to God because He is the one that really counts and until/unless the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ gets into your spirit and gets rid of these negatives, you haven't yet known the Lord.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

It is painful

Its painful, its hard, sometimes tearful, you might even loose (temporarily); but if you master the art of going in the opposite direction from where your body is leading you, you will be doing what men term impossible and eventually conquer the world.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The greatest deeds

The greatest victories are yet to be won.
The greatest deeds are yet to be done.
The eagle soars only because there are contrary winds.
Your adversaries are truly your opportunity.
Again, we would never appreciate flight without gravity.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Trevo wellness

Trevo Product Presentation (…:

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Simple and painful

Its painful, its hard, sometimes tearful, you might even loose (temporarily); but if you master the art of going in the exact opposite direction from where your body is leading you, you will be doing what men term impossible and eventually conquer the world.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

On Life; We choose HOW

God chooses WHAT, we choose HOW
The challenges of life that we face, are never designed to take us under.
In life, I find that there's always something to deal with, and if there's none, we create the problem.
What turns out to be our results eventually though, will always be a direct consequence of HOW we go through these road blocks and seeming limitations.
We may not have control over the things that come against us but we must consciously determine HOW we handle the challenges.
Cos I find, in my life's journey, to take the challenge personal and feel like it was intentionally directed at your 'personality' is to be oblivious of the terms of contract you've got with Mother Earth.
Next time you could start by saying
'Someone in the world is going through the same thing and winning and that person has to be ME'.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Trèvo ...The Power of 3

Discover the Power of Wellness


Imagine having energy to spare, enhanced mental focus, vibrant good health, and a wonderful sense of well-being. That is what we call the power of wellness, and that is the revolutionary power of Trévo.


Trévo is not just another fruit drink, nor is it just another multi-vitamin. In a world of sugar-filled juice drinks and caffeine-saturated energy shots, Trévo stands alone as a complete health system in one bottle. Containing 174 of nature’s finest nutraceutical ingredients from around the globe, Trévo is unlike any other nutritional supplement you will find on the market. This remarkable formula provides you and your family with a quick, delicious and easy way to restore, renew and revive your bodies.


The beauty of this unique formulation is that it actually replaces what the body is missing from today’s nutrient-depleted diets. And, because of the way our scientists have designed its formulation, Trévo will work just as well for a 2-year-old as it will for adults of all ages. It really is the best of all nutritional worlds! Trévo is, in fact, a delicious answer to your family’s need for complete, natural nutrition. 


So, are you ready to enjoy increased energy, enhanced mental focus, vibrant good health and even weight management support? If so, Trévo is the answer you have been searching for. 


The Power of Trévo’s Unique Formula 


Trévo provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals, vital trace minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, powerful antioxidants, digestive enzymes and Co-Enzyme Q10. 


The sources of these life-giving nutrients come from around the world and include phytonutrients from familiar garden fruits as well as exotic fruits, green superfoods, garden vegetables, sea vegetables, herbs, and coral calcium complex. And to really supercharge the nutritional benefits of each ingredient, we have added fulvic acid, which is an amazing electrolyte that actually supercharges all the nutrients in Trévo. 


Trévo Supports: 


• Vibrant good health
• Increased energy
• Enhanced mental focus
• Weight management
• Cardiovascular system health
• Immune system health
• Healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels
• Digestive system health
• Anti-aging
• Proper pH levels
• Sports and overexertion recovery
• A wonderful sense of well-being


Discover The Fabulous Health Benefits Of Trévo’s Three-Phase Formula 



The first phase is called “Restore.” It is designed to restore vital energy and mental focus naturally by stimulating your body with a myriad of powerful nutraceuticals including fabulous energy-enhancing botanicals and superfruits such as gotu kola,ashwagandha, borojo, bacopa, schizandra fruit, Korean ginseng, and noni fruit. We have also included energy boosting essential vitamins and minerals, amino acids, plant and sea trace minerals, Co-enzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, and grape seed extract. 



Our 2nd phase is called “Renew.” It is designed to renew your body with a proprietary phytonutrient-rich blend of life-giving fruits, vegetables, and sea vegetables as well as essential fatty acids from borage seed oil and flaxseed oil. Plus it features chlorella, blue green spirulina, barley grass, kelp, and wheatgrass, which are all referred to as green superfoods. 



Our 3rd phase is called “Revive.” This phase is designed to revive your body’s anti-aging and immune function support with exotic, free radical-fighting super-antioxidants such as camu camu, maqui berries, mangosteen, acai berries, amalaki fruit, acerola cherries, and goji berries. We have also included potent coral calcium complex as well as phytonutrient-packed herbs like ellagic acid, graviola, turmeric, green tea, lycopene, milk thistle, pau d’arco, cat’s claw, bilberry, and hawthorne berry


Imagine – all the fabulous nutritional benefits of the very best ingredients nature has to offer all in one delicious formulation. Trévo is quick, it’s easy, and it works, without any artificial sweeteners! That’s right; the naturally delicious flavor of Trévo is derived from its wonderful fruit ingredients. 


Trévo’s Power Of Wellness Is Ideal For Every Member Of Your Family! 

Ages 2-12 

Starting your children on Trévo during their crucial developmental years provides an excellent foundation for vibrant health and longevity. Without proper nutrition, children in this age group face a significantly increased potential for developing life-threatening and obesity-related diseases and attention deficit problems. By making Trévo a part of your children’s daily regimen, however, you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your children are receiving optimum nutrition each and every day. 


Ages 13-60 

Lack of energy, mental focus and attention deficit problems are common among people in this age group. As in the younger group just mentioned, nutrient-depleted food and poor nutritional habits are among the prime contributors to the high occurrence of disease that plagues this age group. And, as with the younger age group, Trévo provides the nutrition needed to enjoy vibrant good health, enhanced mental focus, increased energy and much more. 


Ages 61 and older 

A significant rise in cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as a number of other life-threatening and debilitating diseases, has been noted among this age group. As activity levels decrease among these people, appetite also decreases. This commonly results in dangerously reduced nutrient levels. Such low nutrient levels create a huge need for the super-nutrition available in each and every delicious ounce of Trévo. 


Activate And Accelerate Trévo’s Power Of Wellness 


Activation Level 

Two ounces of Trévo’s super-nutrition per day activates your body’s response to the positive effects of Trévo. This activation level can be enjoyed in one or two ounce servings per day, with or without food. Children between the ages of 2 and 12 should consume 1⁄4 ounce for every 20 pounds of body weight, not to exceed one ounce per day.  


Acceleration Level 

Many people enjoy accelerated health benefits by taking three ounces of Trévo each day. Significantly increased energy levels and weight management support are just two of the benefits most frequently noticed by those who drink an acceleration level of Trévo. 


Trévo Gives You High-Quality, Eco-Friendly “Liquid Health In A Bottle”! 

• Trévo embraces current efforts to preserve our planet and her resources. The Trévo™ packaging is completely bio-degradable, ensuring that our bottles will never contribute to the increasing dilemma of landfills overflowing with non-biodegradable plastic bottles that will still be intact hundreds of years from now. 

• All of our product’s ingredients are 100% vegetarian and a number of these high-quality natural ingredients are even certified organic. 

• Trévo’s one-of-a-kind nutraceutical product is blended and bottled in a CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices) facility. This facility not only meets but exceeds the FDA’s Code of Federal Regulations. 

• Trévo is a member of the prestigious Brunswick Laboratories ORAC Certification Program. ORAC stands for “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity” and it is a proven method of measuring the antioxidant capacities of different foods. ORAC antioxidant scoring is so accurate that it has been adopted by the USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging. Trévo has its liquid nutraceutical product routinely tested by the scientists at Brunswick Labs, so when we say that Trévo’s ORAC score is over 373,000 per bottle, it is a certified fact.


Monday, 30 June 2014

The law

The next 10 years are going to be exactly like the last 10 years...opportunity mixed with difficulty. Its a law in life. Sometimes the opportunities are more than the difficulties and other times, the difficulties are more than the opportunities but that mix is inevitable. The size of a man is determined by the things that can bring him down. Never forget these things.

The law

The next 10 years are going to be exactly like the last 10 years...opportunity mixed with difficulty. Its a law in life. Sometimes the opportunities are more than the difficulties and other times, the difficulties are more than the opportunities but that mix is inevitable. The size of a man is determined by the things that can bring him down. Never forget these things.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Always were, always will.

Check out @BENYZEZE's Tweet:

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Without gravity, we would never appreciate flight. DON'T pray for less challenges, just pray for more skill.

Thursday, 5 June 2014


Find out what the masses are doing, and do the exact opposite...

Tuesday, 3 June 2014